Logging in for the first time

As part of your enrolment process, please work through each step in the guide below to set up your student account password and multi-factor authentication.

If you are enrolling in the Medical School, the process is slightly different. Please use the Logging in for the first time – Medical School guide.

On this page

Video Guide

  1. Set your password
  2. Set up Multi-Factor Authentication
  3. Bonus Step: Self-Service Password Reset

Video Guide

Step 1: Set Your Password

To begin your registration tasks, you first need to set up a password for your University account by logging in for the first time. When you first sign in to OneUni to begin your enrolment you will first need to click on the “Log on using your UoL credentials button.

A screenshot of the "Log on using your UoL credentials" button on One Uni.

This will present you with the University Single Sign-On screen where you can begin the process of changing your password.

  1. On the University Single Sign-On screen, enter your student email address in the User ID box as displayed below, replacing “12345678” with your Student ID number from the top of your enrolment letter:

    A screenshot of the University sign-in screen. A Sign In window is visible in the middle of the screen with a space for an email address.
  2. Click “Next”.
  3. Click on “Forgotten my password”. If you do not have a personal email address registered with us you may see a message telling you that you are not registered for Self-Service Password Reset, please contact Digital Services on 01522 88 6500, or via email at dt@lincoln.ac.uk.
  4. Enter the characters that are displayed on the screen and click “Next”.
  5. Select “Email my alternative email address” and check the alternative (personal) email address listed is yours. Then click the “Email” button.
  6. You will then receive a verification code in your alternative (personal) email inbox (if you are a UK resident, this is the email you have registered to UCAS). Please remember to check any spam folders.
  7. Enter the verification code you received into the box, then click “Next”.
  8. Enter a new password and confirm it.

    Your password should consist of at least 10 characters and include upper and lower case letters (e.g. a–z, A–Z); numbers (0-9) and at least one of the following special characters: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + | ~ – = \ ` { } [ ] : ” ; ’ < > ? , . /.

    Please do not use £ or € as some systems do not recognise these characters.

    For more guidance on strong passwords, check our Strong Passwords page.

  9. Click “Finish”.
  10. Click on “click here” to sign in with your new password.
  11. Enter your University email and newly changed password.

You will then be prompted that more information is required. Follow “Set up Multi-Factor Authentication” below to continue.

Step 2: Set up Multi-Factor Authentication

Once you’ve completed Step 1 above, you will be required to set up additional security for your account:

  1. On the sign-in screen, enter your newly set up University email (########@students.lincoln.ac.uk) and then your password (changed in Step 1 above).
  2. You will be prompted to set up additional security for your account known as multi-factor authentication. This additional level of security means that only you will have access to your University account, files and information.

    A screenshot showing the "Keep your account secure" dialog box for multi-factor authentication.
  3. To set up the Microsoft Authenticator App as an authentication method, click “Next” and follow the on-screen steps.

The Microsoft Authenticator App will now be your default sign-in method when logging into University resources. When you attempt to sign in, you will receive a notification on your phone via the app.

You’re almost done!

As a bonus next step, we recommend setting up Self-Service Password Reset to help you quickly and easily get back into your account if you’re ever locked out.

BUT if you’re in a hurry, feel free to continue your enrolment process by visiting uol.t1cloud.com (if you are not redirected automatically).

Bonus Step: Set up Self-Service Password Reset

We highly recommend setting up Self-Service Password Reset.

Under normal circumstances, being locked out of your account means you’ll have to contact the Digital Services Service Desk to unlock it for you. However, by setting up Self-Service Password Reset, you can quickly and easily get back into your account by yourself if you’re ever locked out.

Follow the steps in the drop-down guide below to get started.

Once you have set up your Self-Service Password Reset, visit uol.t1cloud.com to continue your enrolment process.

Need Help?

If you require further assistance with anything IT-related, email the Digital Services Service Desk at dt@lincoln.ac.uk or call 01522 88 6500.

For any other enrolment issues not related to IT, please email enrolment@lincoln.ac.uk or call 01522 886097.

Staying Safe Online

With the internet at the centre of daily life, there are inevitably many risks associated with being online 24/7. This can be anything from identity theft, online transactions, dating scams and more, all designed to fool you and take your money.

The University is committed to ensuring its students understand the risks of being online at University and in their personal lives. Follow this link for advice to protect yourself from the activities of online fraudsters https://lncn.ac/safeonline.